
Showing posts from September, 2013

"Nope, Not Gonna Do It!"

Have you ever said that to God? What I am about to write about, I write only because God is telling me to. This is an area that I still have a long way grow in, so as I share, please don't think that I am speaking as one who's already learned it. Understand that I am on this journey too, so as I put some words onto this screen that are going to be somewhat hard to take in, it is for my benefit, as well as yours.

A Call and a Desperate Plea

This morning, as I was reading out of the Psalms, I got stuck on Psalm 95. I read it once through and stopped. What in the world had I just read? It was amazing! I read it again. Oh, how I knew it was amazing, but I wanted to let the gravity of what it was saying to sink in. And then I read it again, one phrase at a time... "Come, let us sing to the Lord!"  (v. 1a) ...It was a call to sing to God, and it was no ordinary call. "Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation." (v. 1b) I began to wonder, "what should make you so excited that you could shout?" It must be pretty exciting!